
I am almost 40 years old, and my life has revolved around music, espe­cial­ly the piano, since I was 8. I fell in love with the piano at my first les­son. Music has helped me to find joy in life even in the hard­est times, not just for myself but also because my musi­cal gifts brought joy to oth­ers.

I knew, when I won a gold medal with a top grade of 1+ at the close of my stud­ies in a nation­al musi­cal con­ser­va­to­ry near Paris, that my years-long prac­tice had paid off: play­ing the piano is my life, my calling.I no longer want­ed to emu­late a Mozart wun­derkind; I want­ed only more to improve my piano and achieve a high­er lev­el. So at 21, I left my home­land and began stud­ies at the Musikhochschule in Karl­sruhe. I took an apart­ment in Alsace; now I live in the “Goethe vil­lage” of Sessen­heim.

In Karl­sruhe, I stud­ied in dif­fer­ent depart­ments of piano. Final­ly, I stud­ied with Pro­fes­sors Uhde and Stange, and received my diplo­ma with dis­tinc­tion in piano ped­a­gogy and as a con­cert pianist. My inter­ests in ped­a­gogy and cham­ber music strength­ened each oth­er, and I empha­sized accom­pa­ni­ment of singers, both Ger­man Lieder and French chan­sons. I love both gen­res still today. Unfor­tu­nate­ly, an acci­dent that seri­ous­ly injured one arm pre­vent­ed me from tak­ing also the diplo­ma in accom­pa­ni­ment, and I had to take a break from my stud­ies. It was two years before I could again play with­out pain.

My love of teach­ing tipped the scales; I spe­cial­ized as a piano teacher, which has been my full-time job for near­ly ten years. In exchange for the trav­el-inten­sive life of the con­cert pianist, teach­ing has also allowed me a fam­i­ly life with my two chil­dren, a boy and a girl who bringme great joy.

My Music

The musi­cal lit­er­a­ture of the piano teacher, like those of cham­ber music and vocal accom­pa­ni­ment, con­tain many jew­els. Here are some of my favorites:

  • cham­ber and solo music of Mozart, Beethove, Schu­bert, Debussy, Chopin, Tchaikovsky, Mes­si­aen, Rav­el, Fau­ré, Mil­haud, and Satie, among com­posers of the last two hun­dred years.
  • accom­pa­ni­ment of songs by Mozart, Schu­bert, Wolf, Schu­mann and Brahms; I also love Debussy, Mil­haud, and Satie.
  • all of these allow me to expand my hori­zons as a pianist.

My goals

I would like to share my artis­tic capac­i­ties and my skills as a teacher with you. I am ready also to share cul­tur­al, social, and soci­etal activ­i­ties and events, to enrich both our hori­zons.